
Improving you appearance can be as simple as getting an IPL PhotoFacial.



What is an IPL PhotoFacial?

This treatment can improve the collagen levels, remove blemishes, and enhance skin appearance leaving you looking younger, firmer, with more even tone and texture. An IPL Photofacial (photo rejuvenation) is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that uses intense pulsed light (IPL) technology to target specific areas of the skin. The light targets the deeper layers of the skin, resulting in improved texture and tone, reduced wrinkles, and a more even skin complexion. 


How does it work?

An IPL PhotoFacial is a medical laser treatment that penetrates deep into the skin and can reduce the appearance of brown spots, ance scars, spider veins, rosacea, and deeper wrinkles. It emits multiple wavelengths into the skin and effectively targets pigment producing cells below the surface of the skin. The light energy is converted to heat energy and destroys the hyperactive melanin producing cells in the layers of your skin, eventually dispersing pigmented areas. The spots are pulled to the surface, eventually turning into a coffee-ground-like texture that eventually flakes off revealing beautiful, radiant skin beneath. The treatment also causes collagen and blood vessels below the epidermis to constrict, reducing redness and age lines. IPL Photo facial can be used on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, back arms, legs and just about anywhere else.



What can you treat?

The main benefit of IPL is that it can treat multiple skin issues in one session with minimal discomfort and downtime. This makes it an appealing option for those who want to improve their complexion without undergoing surgery or taking medications. Additionally, because it does not involve any incisions or injections, there is no risk of infection or scarring. Below are a list of things that can be treated. 

  • Brown spots 
  • Sun spots
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Improve collagen levels
  • Acne
  • Pore size
  • Birthmarks
  • Red stretch marks
  • Spider Veins
  • Undesired hair
  • Freckles
  • Skin discoloration
  • Blood vessels 
  • Rosacea 
  • Reddened scars


After you treatment:

After an IPL treatment session is complete, the treated area may appear slightly red or swollen — similar to a mild sunburn — but will fade over time. You may notice coffee-ground-like texture that eventually flakes off. (Do NOT Pick)

With each PhotoFacial treatment, the results become more pronounced. Most experience optimal results in about 3-5 sessions which are spaced 4 weeks apart.



How do I care for my skin before the treatment?

  • No antibiotics 2 weeks prior to the treatment.
  • PhotoFacials can’t be done if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Protect treated areas from direct sun exposure, artificial sunlight, and do not spray tan or use self tanner for 2 weeks before any treatment.
  • Stop using Acne topical creams, including Retinol and Chemical Acids, all alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxyl products (AHA/BHA), hydroquinone, Tazorac, and Differin 10 days prior to the laser treatment.
  • Clients who have used Accutane or similar products within the last 6 months CAN NOT have treatments.
  • Remove makeup and creams before the treatment.
  • Let me know if you have any tattoos in the area.
  • Do not have Botox injections, dermal filler injections, chemical peels or microdermabrasion for 14 days before.


How do I care for my skin after my treatment?

  • No hot showers, hot saunas, chlorine pools, exercises, and make up on the areas of treatment for the next 24 hours.
  • Redness, swelling, or mild discomfort in the treated area is normal and the temporary side effects should subside within a few hours or days.
  • Avoid strenuous activity or exercise for 48 hours after the Photofacial session. Overheating the skin can reduce the positive effects of the treatment.
  • Do not scratch or pick the skin during recovery. As blemishes surface, leave them be! They will flake off naturally. You do not want to create a scar where a brown spot once lived.
  • Be sure to maintain moisture on the skin at all times.
  • Make sure to have sunscreen on to protect your skin.
  • Do not use any retinoids, tretinoins, alpha or beta hydroxy products, vitamin C products, scrub, exfoliate, or have chemical peels performed on the areas treated area for one week.
  • Two to three weeks after treatment, I highly recommend a Facial with Microdermabrasion for the treated areas. The Facial will hydrate and protect the treated areas, while the Microdermabrasion will further remove the dead skin cells revealing your healthy glowing skin.


Additional Notes

  • We CANNOT treat any area with a tattoo
  • If you do not fully shave the area of treatment you can not be treated. (Only if you are working in an area that has a lot of hair)
  • If you are prone to cold sores, it is highly recommended to take an anti-viral medication (such as Valtrex) prior to your treatment. Clients with active cold sores will not be treated.